AI Verify — AI Governance Testing Framework and Toolkit
Singapore has launched AI Verify – the world’s first Artificial Intelligence Governance Testing Framework and Toolkit for companies who want to demonstrate responsible AI in an objective and verifiable manner. This was announced by Singapore’s Minister for Communications and Information Mrs. Josephine Teo at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos.
AI Verify aims to promote transparency between companies and their stakeholders through a combination of technical tests and process checks.
Globally, testing for the trustworthiness of AI systems is an emerging space. As more companies use AI in their products and services, fostering the public’s trust in AI technologies remains key in unlocking the transformative opportunities of AI.
The forefront of international discourse on AI ethics
The launch of AI Verify follows Singapore’s launch of the Model AI Governance Framework (second edition) in Davos in 2020, and the National AI Strategy in November 2019. Having provided practical detailed guidance to the industry on implementing responsible AI, AI Verify is Singapore’s next step in helping companies be more transparent about their AI products and services, to build trust with their stakeholders. AI Verify is developed by the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) and the Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC).
Key Points of the AI Testing Framework and Toolkit
- Allows Artificial Intelligence system developers/owners to conduct self-testing – to maintain commercial requirements while providing a common basis to declare results.
- Does not define ethical standards. It validates AI system developer’s/owner’s claims about the approach, use, and verified performance of their AI systems.
- Does not however guarantee that any AI system tested under this Pilot Framework will be free from risks or biases or is completely safe.
Building trustworthy AI with partners and industry
Developed under the guidance of the Advisory Council on the Ethical Use of AI and Data, 10 companies from different sectors and of different scales, have already tested and/or provided feedback. These companies are AWS, DBS Bank, Google, Meta, Microsoft, Singapore Airlines, NCS (Part of Singtel Group)/Land Transport Authority, Standard Chartered Bank, UCARE.AI, and X0PA.AI. read more
Source: Singapore IMDA