All Singapore Law Firms Must Ensure All Employees Who Are Able To Work From Home Do So
In response to the recent surge in COVID-19 cases, Workplace Safe Management Measures have been tightened by the Singapore Ministry of Manpower (MOM), National Employers Federation (SNEF), and National Trades Union Council (NTUC) from 16 May 2021 to 13 June 2021.
Updated Workplace Safe Management Measures
Law firms, as with all Singapore employers, must cease social gathering in the workplace and ensure that all employees who are able to work from home do so. These updated social distancing requirements will help mitigate transmission risks by reducing employee interaction in common spaces at the workplace, and in public places such as public transportation.
As noted by GoBusiness Singapore, all businesses should take note of the following:
- From 16 May 2021 through 13 June 2021, work-from-home will be the default at workplaces.
- Employers should continue to stagger start times of employees who need to return to the workplace and implement flexible working hours.
- Sector-specific requirements as noted here.
Work From Home Consortium
Litigation Edge (LE) and our partners’ Bizibody and Availabilit have set up the Work From Home (WFH) Consortium to assist Singapore law firms with the tightened Workplace Safe Management Measures. We are experiencing this impact on business together and, as your trusted advisors, we remain wholly committed to providing bespoke support to law firms during this period. Click here for details on how the WFH Consortium can assist your law firm.
Bridging Distance With Technology
In light of the new social distancing restrictions, Litigation Edge has accelerated the rollout of the InSync Evidence Management Platform (InSync) to the Singapore legal community from 1 June to 16 May 2021. We moved the release date with confidence after the software exceeded expectations during evaluation by selected law firms.
We developed the first generation of InSync at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, responding to the Court’s need to “get all parties to the same page quickly and accurately” during a time of working from home and social distancing mandates. The platform has since evolved from eBundle Presentation software to a full-fledged Evidence Management platform designed in close collaboration with the Singapore legal community.
Increased Efficiency For Lawyers
InSync provides a cloud-based workspace and digital hearing room for lawyers and law firms, featuring Evidence Review, Evidence Management, Work Product Preparation, and Evidence Presentation modules.
Contact Litigation Edge
Further information about our WFH services and/or the latest release of the InSync Evidence Management Platform is available by contacting Serena Lim or completing the form on our Contact Page.