A TechLaw.Fest 2022 Session
Tech of Law Track
14:15 – 16:10 AM SGT on Thursday, 21 July
Eric Chin – PwC NewLaw
Serena Lim – Bizibody Technology and Litigation Edge
Rory McDaid – Luminance
Adeline Chin YF – Chambers Lab
Robert Aitken – NetDocuments
The past two years have forced a reckoning that the brick-and-mortar law office may not be as essential to lawyering as was assumed by many for a long time.
But while many legal professionals are now open to acknowledging that space in “the cloud” is probably the only essential space they need, what are real-life examples of how this mindset shift is resulting in changes in how legal professionals run their law practices and departments?
What impact has it on client communication and interaction, collaboration with colleagues, and operating costs?
In this TechLaw.Fest 2022 session, we hear from a range of legal professionals wrestling with digitalisation and the business of law. We hear, first-hand, the challenges they have encountered and the conditions that they have had to create for success; and their wish lists for how legal industry regulation and culture can better support their efforts.